The Last of Us Part II

The gameplay trailer for the highly anticipated PS4 exclusive The Last of Us Part II has been revealed by Sony at E3.

The gameplay trailer not only shows off combat, but also a new look into how time has progressed since the first game. The Last of Us Part II looks to be centered around Ellie, who is notably older, and there’s a distinct lack of Joel and the deadly clickers.

What is highlighted in the trailer is action that looks so smooth it appears to be scripted. If the AI really is as it appears here; smart, tactical and human-like, then players are in for a tough time on higher difficulties, though it makes the game truly feel real.

The Last of Us Part II
These guys are shown, and they’re not messing about. Thankfully, neither is Ellie.

Bullets go whizzing past Ellie’s head as she makes a break for it, enemies gang up only to be brutally murdered, and the potential scenarios to deal damage seem endless. In one scene Ellie is shot with an arrow and takes cover mid-chase to remove it, picks another one up and uses it to wreak havoc. The game just looks so dynamic and we simply can’t wait to get our hands on it.

For more information on The Last of Us II, check out the Paris Games Week trailer.

What did you think to this E3 gameplay reveal? Let us know in the comments, or over on Facebook & Twitter!

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By James

TryRolling's resident PlayStation fanboy, James plays more or less anything, as long as it includes robots, guns & 90s cartoon mascots.