The absolutely crazy E3 trailer for upcoming CD PROJEKT RED title Cyberpunk 2077 has been unleashed.

The game seems to be taking the title Cyberpunk 2077 literally, with lots of futuristic, neon-urban imagery used throughout, as well as a punk undertone. The world looks incredibly well flushed out, as you might’ve come to expect with a CD PROJEKT RED game, with Mad Max-esque vibes.

In direct contrast to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (and not just in setting), the game will be a first-person shooter, so that the player can take in everything that the city has to offer, becoming immersed in the world. Character creation will also be at the forefront, allowing players to tailor their experience.

Cyberpunk 2077
How can a world look gritty and stunning at the same time? Cyberpunk 2077 is your answer.

For more information on the game head to

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By James

TryRolling's resident PlayStation fanboy, James plays more or less anything, as long as it includes robots, guns & 90s cartoon mascots.