Stripping and Painting Miniatures for Cheap – Miniature Restoration
A test on stripping and painting miniatures in the cheapest way possible. Using cheap acrylic paints from a hobby store! Miniature restoration is here.
A test on stripping and painting miniatures in the cheapest way possible. Using cheap acrylic paints from a hobby store! Miniature restoration is here.
If you’re keen to keep up-to-date on new Indie and AAA releases you forgot about, here are the most exciting titles being released next week on Steam.
Dead Age 2, the zombie management sim/survival/RPG, is set to launch July 16th. Can you survive this tense, zombie-infested sequel?
The second installment in the SKYHILL series sees the player infected by a black mist. Can you survive and fight your way out of the SKYHILL condominium?
Wildfire is a stealth platformer where everything burns. Mastering the elements is the key, as the player learns to manipulate fire, ice, earth, and vines.
Eternal Edge + is an open world action-adventure game with real ambition. Journey as Cross, and save the world of the Little Kingdom from the Skeleton King!
Space Haven, a colony sim taking inspiration from Rimworld, Oxygen Not Included and Dwarf Fortress. Can you build a ship, control your crew, and survive?
Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure open world game. With thematic exploration and viseral combat, we round up this promising title.
Team Ninja reveal the first major content update for Nioh 2, with 9 new missions and a photo mode. DLC release date inside!
The new Legend Loba is a high-class thief, and her abilities reflect such. Here’s a guide on how to best use them.
Spirit of the North is a poetic 3rd person adventure through Icelandic folklore. Atmospheric puzzles set in picturesque environments await!
Having difficulty getting that Apex Legends win? Our Tips and Tricks guide takes an in-depth look at what you need to do to improve.
Slick and rewarding combat, endless content, beautiful locations and extensive enemy variety. Nioh 2 is a vast improvement on Nioh.
A comprehensive guide on Nioh 2 stats. What are the soft and hard caps, how to get the most efficient build you can. It’s all in here!
A sequel to the infamous survival-horror Amnesia: The Dark Descent has been announced, and it looks as spine-tingling as the original.
Nioh 2 is out soon and the last playable demo has just finished its run on the PS Store – the Last Chance Trial. So is it time to hype?
Unsure what each legend does in Apex Legends? Want to find out what the best beginner legends are? Here’s our quick guide to joining up in Season 4.
In the upcoming puzzle-adventure game, Lightmatter, shadows kill. Utilise your limited sources of light to escape, but be careful, things move in the dark.
Death Stranding has seen a divisive split of opinions. There’s a certain way to enjoy Death Stranding’s uniqueness, however. By treating it like a series.
Valfaris is exactly the type of Indie game I like, blaring, boisterous, and utterly proud of itself. Not perfect, but Steel Mantis Games did a great job.