FromSoftware have released a brand-new gameplay trailer for the upcoming action game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

The trailer, shown above, gives players a deeper look into the samurai-inspired world of Sekiro, as well as demonstrating some of the terrifying bosses that players can expect to encounter.

Also shown was more of the movement system, as well as some story information, given from the mysterious NPC voice; “Even if you fall, uphold the oath to bring your master home, for you are my Shinobi.”


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is scheduled to be released on March 22nd for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game is set to feature at the Tokyo Game Show, which starts on September 20th through to September 23rd.

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By James

TryRolling's resident PlayStation fanboy, James plays more or less anything, as long as it includes robots, guns & 90s cartoon mascots.