The Elder Scrolls VI Screenshot

We thought that we were just getting an announcement on Fallout 76, we thought the max we were going to be treated to as regards to the Elder Scrolls franchise would be a new remake of Skyrim, how could they possibly twist it this time? But oh, how we were wrong.

As the fog of the latest trailer rolled out – a mountainous landscape developed before us, a set of indistinguishable ruins visible in the distance. The astute of us would have already recognised the musical score, a dovahkiin-esque track rumbling throughout the stage. Ah, a remake? Another mobile game? But, as our cynical minds work, the title fades in. Here comes The Elder Scrolls VI.

As shown in the trailer above, there are very few clues as to the setting of the game, and we can only speculate. If we follow the trend of an individual region, then we can rule a few out, however…. it likely won’t be set in any of the past regions, and there is a clear mountainous landscape shown to us in the trailer. This likely rules out some of the regions we have seen, such as the deserts of Elsweyr. Therefore, much of the speculation points to either Highrock, or to Hammerfell.

One thing is certain, this is a fully fledged Elder Scrolls, and I’m hyped. It’s been too long, Bethesda, and I need my girlfriend-losing, friendship-destroying drug.

What did you think to this E3 reveal? Let us know in the comments, or over on Facebook & Twitter!

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By Joseph

Creating TryRolling back in 2017 alongside James, Joe has always been a keen gamer without console bias. A fan of story-based games and anything challenging.