Red Dead Redemption 2

Rockstar have officially revealed the third trailer for their anticipated western adventure, Red Dead Redemption 2.

The story trailer claims that “by 1899 The West had nearly been tamed” and that “the age of gunslingers and outlaws had almost passed into myth.” These statements allude to a situation similar to the previous game, where John Marston was amongst a dying breed and on the run from the law.

The game, which is set to be released on October 26th, seems to be building up to a huge clash between the outlaws (Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang) and the changing times that are closing in around them. The biggest tease from the trailer is that there appears to be a glimpse of Marston held at knifepoint.

Although the trailer did little to give any actual details of the game away, we at TryRolling are excited to see more, and eagerly await the release date.

Are you looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2? Let us know, and as always feel free to like and follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

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By James

TryRolling's resident PlayStation fanboy, James plays more or less anything, as long as it includes robots, guns & 90s cartoon mascots.