As the year 2019 fades away and the new year comes knocking down the door, the TryRolling team break down their most anticipated games of 2020.
James’ “Killer 4”
Resident Evil 3 Remake (PS4, Xbox One & PC)
Revealed at Sony’s Sate of Play, Resident Evil 3 Remake is coming in all of its gruesome glory, on April 3rd.
Capcom has been on an absolute roll lately, coming hot off the successful releases of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 2 Remake. Whether it’s reinventing the series, or masterfully recapturing the essence of the originals, something tells me that they’ll knock it out of the park again with Resident Evil 3 Remake. “STARRRRSSSSS…”
Dreams (PS4)
A game that looks to be in a genre of its own, Dreams finally has a release date, and will be launching on PS4 on February 14th.
The PlayStation exclusive, developed by LittleBigPlanet creators Media Molecule, has been in development for a while and for good reason, it’s essentially a game engine game. Dreams expands on the studio’s vision for LBP, allow users to create their own worlds.
What can actually be made and how it all works remains to be seen when the game comes out of early access, and fully launches in a month’s time.
Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4, Xbox One & PC)
A game that at this point needs no introduction (but I’m giving it one anyway), Cyberpunk 2077 is the super-stylized futuristic shooter, developed by CD Projekt RED.
The Witcher 3 developers posted an update saying that the game would be delayed until later this year, with rumours suggesting that it is because of performance on console.
Regardless, from what has been seen up until now, Cyberpunk 2077 looks simply “breathtaking” and we can’t wait to play.
Dying Light 2 (PS4, Xbox One & PC)
The sequel to one of the most supported titles of this generation, Dying Light 2 is right around the corner, with zombie hunters lining up to play.
The studio at Techland will be all hands on deck after the game received its own delay (though we don’t know how long for), after just recently hosting the Winter Event (among others) in Dying Light – a five-year-old game.
Dying Light innovated on the zombie-slaying genre made popular by the likes of Dead Island, and included hectic multiplayer, parkour, and a truly terrifying transition into night-time gameplay.
Joe’s Delectable Selection
Journey to the Savage Planet (PS4, Xbox One & PC)
A ‘charming and hilariously chaotic alien world’ serves as where Journey to the Savage Planet takes place, and they aren’t joking, check it out:
As the always-witty commentators of YouTube agree, it looks like No Man’s Sky if it was developed by the creators of Ratchet and Clank. Let’s just hope they don’t do a Sean Murray on us.

Journey to the Savage Planet is a co-op adventure filled with zany, colourful creatures. Collect scrap with friends, and turn it into deliciously useful rockets, laser pistols and more as you advance through this alien land. This could be a floater or a stinker, but I’m optimistic it’ll at least be a refreshingly cheerful romp.
Now if only the Epic Games Store would release it’s tyrannical grip on exclusivity. That’s right, I went there.
The Last of Us Part 2 (PS4)
A sequel to one of my favourite games ever, not just on the PlayStation, but any platform. A perfect meld of emotional, tear-jerking storytelling, and intense combat (especially when played on harder difficulties). The Last of Us: Part 2 promises more of the same, albeit even if little actual information into the gameplay or story of the title can be found yet.

While what we’ve seen of the game so far seems to be more relationship and human focused (as opposed to the fungal monstrosities heavily featured in the first game), the trailers obviously show us only a small part of the gameplay. I, for one, am keen to experience more of the horrifying hiding from beasts capable of one-shotting your fragile self.
P.S. Naughty Dog, kill Joel and I’m boycotting you.

The Last of Us 2 launches on PS4 on May 29th.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PS4)
Fanboy warning.

Gird your loins and tell your partners to pick up a hobby that doesn’t involve you, it’s Final Fantasy 7 and it’s coming for all our social lives on the 3rd of March.
Now, full disclaimer, I enjoyed Final Fantasy 9 more – don’t mob me. Final Fantasy 7 however was the start to an entirely new era, many would agree the golden area of Final Fantasy. I played this as a child, as a teenager, as an adult. I can still remember grinding out levels for days so my dad could slap Sephiroth around like the Hulk pounds Loki into the ground without protection.

Final Fantasy 7 holds more memories for me than any other game, and if they do this one well it’ll be mind-blowing. A full game set in Midgar, exploring everything that we couldn’t before. The only fear I have, is that once the game is over I’ll be devastated I can’t finish the whole thing. I can already see my scowl as the Midgar pizza collapses and the credits roll. They better come out with the next quick, is all I can say. Check out the latest tasty morsel we’ve been treated to:
The music is enhanced, there’s more story, there’s everything the fans have asked for – even dressing up as a girl. Just hearing the rising crescendo of the soundtrack ‘bombing mission’ at the end of the trailer above sends goosebumps all up me. Please be everything we expect. Please.
Nioh 2 (PS4)
Nioh, but with enhanced customisation, what’s not to like?
Up to two other players can join you in this adventure. There are more weapons, more skills, and lots more Yokai. You create your own ‘Yokai spirit’, from a dizzying display of options. Nioh 2 is, despite the name, a prequel to the original game, and is again set in Japan.

As a Yokai, you can transform into your ‘Yoki form’, gaining access to special abilities. Kill a new Yokai and bring its core back to a shrine, you can even gain its powers. Wowza. How the skills work has also been largely altered, and now there are entire trees to advance through for each weapon. Something I suspect…. is going to take a while.

The infamous difficulty is unchanged, and during my playthrough I suspect I’ll have be forced to take my usual ‘go stroke a pet’ break to prevent controller breakages. Everything I love!
The predecessor for Nioh 2 was eventually (poorly) ported to PC, so if PS4 isn’t your thing, there may be a way to get into the action in the future. Eventually.
Other games to keep an eye-out for this year:
- Marvel’s Avengers
- DOOM Eternal
- Halo Infinite
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Ghost of Tsushima
- Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
- Little Nightmares 2
- Oddworld: Soulstorm
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps
What are your most anticipated games of 2020? Let us know on Facebook & Twitter and be sure to follow us on YouTube & Twitch!
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