

Developer Ninja Theory shared the news on Twitter, bringing excitement to many Xbox fans who may have thought they had missed out on the previously PS4 exclusive. The developers also confirmed featured Xbox One X enhancements and support, in addition to providing a 10% discount on the price of the game for any pre-orders or purchases during the first week of release. When is the game arriving you ask? April 11th is the date to mark on your calendars.

If you may be wondering why this is such exciting news, Hellblade is a very unique game in that had burst onto the AAA scene with such a small budget and team behind it. The game tells the story of Senua, a Celtic warrior on a vision quest into savage Viking heartland to save the soul of her lover. Senua’s journey is a physical battle, but a mental one too. As someone who experiences psychosis, Senua’s journey is one that will take you into the fantasies of her own mind. Hellblade received critical praise for its depiction of mental illness and it tells a story you are going to want to witness.

So you can now eagerly looking forward to April 11th – this is certainly not a game you will want to sleep on.

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By Scott

Scott loves all things gaming, but really gets excited when anybody mentions Xbox.