Loba is the champion released along with the start of Season 5 of Apex Legends. She is a thief, whose father and mother were killed by Revenant. Upon finding out he’s part of the Apex Legends battlegrounds, and the artefacts required to finally kill him are there, she joined up as a new Legend, convincing the others to help her search.

She uses her abilities to steal items of high value, sell them, and live the high life for herself. Most of her gameplay is centred around obtaining the best loot, quicker than anyone else. That’s right, she’s taken Octanes’ spot as chief loot thief.
Passive Ability: Eye for Quality – This passive allows Loba to see high-quality loot through walls. This means purple or gold. Essentially, when landing in an area Loba is going to be the legend that grabs all the best gear first. It’s incredibly good for early game looting. Stronger for players who take a while getting geared up, however. For players of higher skill who usually have memorised loot paths, and can grab the best from an area relatively quickly, her passive is less useful.
Tactical Ability: Burglar’s Best Friend – A throwable armband, this allows you to reach places quickly through teleportation, and access parts of the map some legends can’t even get to. The cooldown is relatively long at 35 seconds, which prevents it from being abused for quick positional changes mid-fight. That said, it has an incredible range of just under 100m, making it perfect for crossing large, dangerous areas of crossfire.
It’s a little faster than sliding down a slope – but you’d be better served using it where you don’t have the speed advantage, uphill, for example. Similar to using a healing item, you can’t sprint once you throw it, but you can slide. If you’re trying to escape using it, slide just before throwing it, or you’ll be a sitting duck.
While extremely powerful on use, it’s dangerous to use to push, unless the other members of your squad are ready. For 35 seconds you have no escape or mobility whatsoever, which most other legends can use to utterly ruin your day. Be very careful when using it aggressively not to get yourself stuck behind a full squad, split from your own.
You can activate the tactical at any point during the throw – teleporting yourself to the ground below your armband has reached. This is useful for throwing it out in split second situations, to reach high ground especially. The speed at which the bracelet moves makes landing on tiny platforms difficult, but with practice it gets easier. It usefully means you don’t have to aim specifically for every throw, and lets you reach small high areas quite easily.
The key factor to using this ability well – is remembering that you have an animation on exit. DO NOT teleport in front of an enemy, you will die. Teleport behind cover, behind an enemy, anywhere you can breathe for a second as your bracelet animation plays out. You also need to bear in mind that the thrown bracelet leaves a very obvious trail, learn this either the easy… or the hard way, through dying. Your enemies will see where you’re going if they’re facing the same direction. Therefore, it’s best, if you’re trying to be sneaky, to use it entirely behind cover, or while an enemy squad is occupied.
Ultimate Ability: Black Market Boutique – A situational ultimate, the Black Market shop Loba can create allows her, and anyone else that uses it, including enemies, to loot two items from a roughly 80m circular radius around the shop. Yes, including death-boxes. The item you take comes to you as a stack, so if you pick up a medkit, you’ll get two of them, if two are in the area. Grenades you’ll get one, ammo you’ll get 60, and so on… though currently this is fairly buggy, I’ve had moments where 240 ammo is randomly teleported to me instead of 60.

Dropping this after a nearby enemy team wipes another squad, and stealing all their best loot, seems like the best use I can think for this so far.
Another possibility could be dropping it in a new, unlooted area, and quickly picking out the best gear.
The ultimate could allow you to loot from relative safety in a chaotic, third-party filled endgame, but only the best bits. In essence, use this when you want better gear quick, or know there’s some tasty gold loot around you can’t easily reach.
A key aspect to bear in mind when placing it – it blasts a radius of energy out from where it was created, possibly alerting enemies to its use. If you want to be stealthy, or need to grab something from death-boxes near enemies, use it well and quickly!
We’ll be updating this for any patches, changes, or as we learn new tricks! Check back for more in the future if you’re interested, and thanks for reading.
For more on Apex Legends see our Tips & Tricks article, our Beginners Guide to Legends or 5 ways to become a Champion.
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