Beast Wars: Transformers for the PlayStation and PC is one of my all time favourite games. For real. It might be the fact that I adored the show growing up and still adore the 90s toy range, but six year old me loved it, and I would happily see a remaster.

The game, which released in time for Christmas 1997, focuses around the heroic Maximals and the evil Predicons, the descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons, as they wage war on Earth for control over Energon, a powerful natural resource.
Beast Wars: Transformers included 4 playable characters within each faction (Rattrap and Blackarachnia could be unlocked), each with their own stats, such as increased speed or firepower. The levels were then themed around each of the team’s ‘bosses’ (in their first season forms) but didn’t really make much sense. You were able to transform (a novel concept for a game about Transformers I know), with each character having specialties, ranging from the aforementioned speed and strength, to Energon (how long they can spend in robot form).
This allowed for unique gameplay, as enemies can only be dispatched in robot mode with the player’s weapons, however spending too much time in robot mode causes an Energon build up that would start to chip away at HP, which closely resembled the show but made some shooting sections a slog. This meant that areas had to be tackled strategically, and some were even best done in beast mode, such as the many platforming areas, where jumping is essential.

Watch the game review here (not sure I completely agree though…)
The game, while aimed at a younger audience, was quite challenging (as PS1 games tend to be) as characters could perma-die. This is until being brought back by either Airazor or Terrorsaur in flying rescue missions (revive tokens can be found during gameplay). This added tension to the experience and made the game feel more rewarding for completing it. The game could have done a better job at guiding the player to objectives however, as I can remember struggling to progress in some areas.
The main downside was that not all characters featured (RIP Waspinator), and those who did were not voiced well (you could easily tell that the voice actors weren’t used here, even as a kid). Critics at the time also weren’t a fan of this, as well as the game’s “blocky” graphics and slippery controls (okay that one has some truth to it). In fact IGN gave the game a 2.3 out of 10, a bit harsh and a stark contrast to what they usually give the games of today. “…When I have to bite the bullet and sit down with a piece of crap like Beast Wars Transformers, I’d rather be shoveling horse manure…” (says a salty G1 fan). Ironic that this is in the opening paragraph, because this ‘review’ reads like a piece of crap.

A Prime time for a remaster?
The PC version of Beast Wars: Transformers also featured up to 8 player multiplayer, which can’t be found on the PS1 version. Should the game ever be remade I would be hopeful that this would be included for every version. If this is included, the controls are tightened up, graphics and levels are updated, and the original voice actors are brought in to reprise their roles, then I’m sure fans of the series would have something special to cherish.
That being said, despite it’s flaws, myself and many other long-time fans of Beast Wars still love this game. I never managed to get a copy of the 1999 fighting game sequel Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (might be for the best), so a remastered bundle with the above improvements would make my year easily.
Would you like to see the Beast Wars games remade for the current generation? Let us know in the comments below!
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