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Top Demon’s Souls World Tendency Events – Thoughtful Thursdays

Demon Souls World Tendency Map

Hello, you’ve caught us being thoughtful on a Thursday.

Here on thoughtful Thursday we ponder the important questions. We debate the undiscussable. We consider the insignificantly inconsiderable in all their glory. This wonderful series begins with one of our writer’s favourite games, Demon’s Souls. Buckle up as we list the inane and the insane, every Thursday, for as long as our minds are able.

What even is world tendency though? I still feel bad for new players realising this mechanic exists partway through. I did this. What are those glowy things on each world, I remember thinking. My alignment? Am I lawful good now? Kind of. This obscure mechanic unlocks some unique interactions and armour, or makes the game harder and throws some spicy black phantoms your way. Also for some reason unlocks demonic slugs. This kind of mechanic was wild back in the day, and certainly helped make Demon’s Souls unique.

Number Six – Executioner Miralda the Canvas Cretin

Aka – A canvas bag someone gave too much power to (King Allant)

The first you’ll likely see, at least for me. She isn’t available as a classy NPC unlike most (all?) of the other events, if you manage to get full white tendency in their world. Instead, this canvas sack simply shows up regardless to ruin your day. Exploring a new area you say? Oh wow the levels can change, that’s nice. Potato sack woman gonna fuck you up for it though.

A sack on someones head

Number Five – Slugs Again

Aka – Bring the salt shaker

Demon's Souls - Primeval Demon

The??? is that a slug? (POV you are me stumbling on the first of these). I still don’t understand what they are. They’re very pretty in the remake however. Keep your lettuce away should your world tendency turn too dark.

Number Four – Rydell the Disappointment

Aka – “help me”

Demon's Souls - Lord Rydell

Help meeeee. My precious lies on my corpse. It’s my favourite ring. My wife gave me it and I liked her.

Honestly, this guy is a bit pathetic and gives pathetic rewards. Rings that increase your defenses. This is Demon’s Souls fella who needs defense? Oh yeah great give me a ring that increases defense when I’m low on health. Do you know how useless that is? Oh I’m close to death, good that I have this ring that would have helped if it worked while I wasn’t close to death. Shame this hit will still one shot me.

Rydell still gets the number three spot because I find his help me scream funny. Good lad.

He also invades outside of his cell in black tendency. Why not just do that and go pick up your ring bud? Silly boy.

Number Three – Scirvir the Saucy

Aka – Bone Smasher Barry

Demon's Souls Scrivir

Look at that face. How can you say no to that face?

Unlike a certain asian “gentleman”, this wholesome fella just wants to see the sword he asks for, and then not murder you for it. Lot to ask in Demon’s Souls. I’d have given you the dragon bone smasher if you’d asked man, no sweat.

This wanderer searches endlessly for relics and seems to relish in this new, mysterious Boletaria. Quite the chipper chappy. With black tendency however he’s an absolute nightmare to fight, flinging fireballs as he does.

Number Two – Satsuki the Sword Fucker

Aka – I will literally steal your sword and murder you

Demon's Souls - Satsuki

Hey could you find this awesome sword for me so I can kill you for it? I mean, respect for the dedication. Bit cheeky though. He will appear as an NPC in full white tendency, which caused me to be caught a little off guard by his sudden aggression. A white tendency event surely can’t be violent! Spoiler – it was. That’s the last time I show off my magic sword before marriage, that’s for sure.

Top Tendency – Selen the Swampy

Aka – Why did you kill my brother. Umbasa

Girl – what do you mean this swamp is a dumping ground for unwanted children? As if I didn’t already feel bad enough for killing the guy, Garl had to go and have a little sister too. I’m a little split on this one though, the Umbasa crew aren’t exact my favourite club in Demon’s Souls. How dare she talk about my boy Garl like he did something wrong. A guy with that level of fashion souls isn’t capable of making a mistake. Regardless, this tendency event made me feel even worse about the whole swamp world and the endless orphans I slaughtered there.

The heartstring tug has to take the top spot, sorry Scirvir.

Demon's Souls Selen Vinland

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