In this list we break down the best weapons that players can hope to stumble across in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout game mode.
In Blackout, Call of Duty’s take on the battle royale genre, players air-drop into the map and begin a mad dash to arm themselves with the best gear possible, in order to make it to the end-game. Here, I will detail the best guns to pick up (excluding special weapons like the Zombies Ray Gun), so that you can get that chicken dinner/epic victory royale.
Bowie Knife
A special mention has to go to the Bowie Knife, available in supply crates, dotted around the map on the floor, and from killing Zombies (best places to find include: Nuketown, Diner, Asylum and the Boxing Gym). Recently added to the game, the Bowie Knife is able to swiftly deal with the otherwise tough Zombies, as well as being able to one hit other players, even if they have level 3 tier armour. The only downside is that the Bowie Knife is just that, it’s a knife, so has no range advantage at all.
The Hades LMG comes in at number five due to its fast fire rate, decent damage and long range capabilities. This weapon could also be potentially replaced with any of the three light machine guns currently in Black Ops 4, though the Hades is the easiest to use due to its versatility. The Titan and VKM both have better ballistics but this comes at the cost of a slower fire rate and a slower reload, resulting in close-quarter combat complications.
One of two shotguns available, the SG12 is a semi-automatic weapon that deals great damage at close range. The weapon out-classes the MOG 12 shotgun as, unlike its competitor, it can be fired repeatedly. The SG12 is a top-tier gun for the early stages of a Blackout match, as players usually find themselves in close vicinity to each other, especially if they have dropped in a hotly-contested area like Firing Range.
The Paladin is a powerful bolt-action sniper rifle, capable of securing one hit kills at extreme range, with a bit of accuracy. Chances are if you have ever made it into the last 10 or so players, you have ran into someone using this gun (and hopefully were not instantly deleted with a headshot). The downsides to using the Paladin are that it requires accuracy, patience, and also requires the user to adjust their aim depending on how far an enemy is, or where they are in relation to the player.
Bonus tip: To make sniping easier use the Iron Lungs perk, often found in houses scattered around the map. This enables the player to hold their breath longer and steady their aim.

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Another ‘enter any weapon from this category here’ pick, the KN-57 is possibly the best assault rifle to equip when playing Blackout. This is due to how easy the gun is to pick up and use, even without any attachments. The sights are clear, fire rate is decent, and it deals high damage thanks to the 7.762mm bullet requirement, as opposed to the 5.56 alternatives. Though there are more specialised rifles for accuracy or power, the KN does a great job in almost any situation and is a solid choice.
My personal top choice for any game of Blackout is the SDM sniper rifle. Similar to that of the real-life M21, the SDM is a semi-automatic rifle, and is capable of downing multiple enemies in rapid succession. However, the asterisk is there as this weapon needs a ton of attachments to be viable, and without them isn’t even a contender for this list. First of all, you will need an SMG or assault rifle to act as a back up to this weapon as it is primarily for long range. Secondly, a scope of some kind (either sniper or 2/4x) is needed as the iron sights are terrible. Finally, an extended magazine, grip, and laser sight are all preferable if this weapon is to have its full potential realised.
What are some of your favourite guns/loadouts in Blackout? Maybe you think Treyarch should add new weapons or a seasonal event? Let us know in the comments or over on Facebook & Twitter!
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*UPDATE* After various patches some of the guns of this list have been nerfed/buffed. Snipers and assault rifles remain strong, however burst-fire weapons such as the ABR and Swordfish are extremely viable. For close range go with a shotgun or the Spitfire SMG.