Just to be clear, the following list comprises the best hats in Elden Ring. This includes how good they look and any cool extra features they may have, and does not simply reflect the best in-game stats you can get. Fashion Souls is just as, if not is more important than actually defending yourself. Also, hats only, no helmets, hoods or headbands.
10. Albinauric Mask
Okay, so I’m cheating with this first pick, but technically you wear the Albinauric Mask as a hat, it just so happens to cover your head. Use for maximum meme points. Hidden away near the Guest Hall grace in Volcano Manor. Could also be replaced with the Jar helm but I feel like that has been trademarked at this point.

9. Lionel’s Helm
Okay cheating again for my second pick but there’s a reason this gets used often in PvP and it’s not just for the high poise and defense stats. It includes a hat in the design so it totally counts. Can be found at the Lower Capital Church grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital.

8. Alberich’s Pointed Hat
The classic. The witch hat that makes you look like a witch. Comes with added gem stones… pretty (also strengthens thorn sorcery). The entire set can be found in the Fortified Manor in Leyndell, Royal Capital and can be altered.

7. Preceptor’s Big Hat
Big hat = cool. Wizards are also cooler than witches so it ranks higher. Comes with a free creepy mask and adds 3 points to the Mind stat at the cost of increased stamina use. The hat is worn by one of the least likeable characters in the game, so it’s not super high on the list just for that. Can be found on said character’s body when progressing Ranni’s questline.

6. Snow Witch Hat
Speaking of Ranni, forget what I just said this witch’s hat is even cooler. Essential for Gandalf the Grey cosplay. Progress Ranni’s questline to find this hat in Renna’s Rise.

5. Lusat’s Glintstone Crown
What is even going on here? Like what the Envoy bois wear just better. Raises the power of Stars of Ruin, Glintstone Stars and Star Shower at the cost of increased FP consumption. To obtain follow Sorceress Sellen’s questline.

4. Spell Blade Hat
Ah Rogier, useless against Margit but you have a very nice hat. Also strengthens glintstone sorcery (a lot of hats seem to increase magic power it seems). Progress his quest to unlock.

3. Nomadic Merchant’s Chapeau
It’s called a chapeau for starters. You’ve got to love the Nomadic Merchants and they have some of the best drip in the entire game period, so don’t murder them. Found in the frustrating drop-down tunnels after facing Mohg The Omen.

2. Traveller’s Hat
The Bloodborne hat. How can it not rank highly. Can also be swapped out for the Aristocrat Hat (also a Bloodborne hat). Found in the awful Caelid swamp.

1. Old Aristocrat Cowl
Equip this legendary piece of clothing to transcend the Lands Between and become the true Elden Lord/pizza chef. Rare drop from the Old Noble enemies.

For more hat-related info & stats check out the awesome guides at Fextralife.
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