Surviving the Aftermath is an upcoming apocalyptic survival game that strikes a blend between the style of Banished, Rimworld, and Frostpunk. You’re tasked with looking after a group of colonists, and growing their group from humble beginnings, to a bastion of hope at the end of the world.

Release Date: 22/10/2020
Platform(s): PC/PS4/Xbox
Price: $20.00/£15.50
Developer: Iceflake Studios
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Out October 22nd, Surviving the Aftermath has been in early access for over a year on the Epic Game Store, but is finally seeing a full release not only on Steam/PC, but also PS4 and Xbox. Rejoice!
The world of Surviving the Aftermath takes place across six procedurally generated biomes, filled with enemies, wildlife and all the resources you’ll need to survive. Natural disasters, bandits and predators will test you, along with unique challenges dependant on the environment you live in.
But, similar to Rimworld, you’re not limited to simply your starting area, the world is much larger than that. By sending out ‘specialists’, you can explore the area around, at your own peril. They can fight off the bandits harassing you, scavenge for resources, or even carry out scientific missions in the hopes they help improve your settlement.

You’ll face troubling moral choices as you go, survivors seeking shelter, survivors pretending to be survivors… waiting to loot and kill your own settlers. Whether to turn away the victims at your gate will be a troubling decision, they may have vital supplies but be sick, maybe even spreading it to your own people. Judging each situation as it comes, depending on how you’re doing already is going to be key here.
The world of Surviving the Aftermath is not safe, and the natural disasters you encounter are going to be some of the toughest challenges. Meteor showers, fallout events, pandemics… all are possible and could massacre your citizens if you aren’t prepared. Some buildings are better for resisting radiation, for example. Go for the cheap builds, and you may succeed in the short run, only to perish the instant a meteor hits.
If these decisions alone weren’t tough enough, you’ll have to choose where and how to explore carefully. Your specialists are valuable, and as seen in the tutorial from Paradox Interactive below, can be lost if you use them badly. Each of these specialists have skills and attribute points, improving these makes it easier to defeat bandits, or let you travel further each day. Both are going to be needed to succeed in this harsh world.
Defend your settlement, explore an unforgiving world, and make sure you don’t make too many enemies. You’re going to need help, that’s for sure. See if you can survive in this apocalyptic base-building title.
Check it out on Steam, or grab it from the Epic store, where it’s been in early access up until now. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation soon.
Survival the Aftermath is out 22nd of October, 2020.
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