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RoadOut – An action adventure that mixes dungeon delving and racing

RoadOut Kickstarter Splash

The Kickstarter for RoadOut just opened, a game being developed by Rastrolabs Game Studio that mixes the dungeon crawling of more old-school titles, with top-down racing for it’s overworld. A unique combination that will certainly be interesting to see combine.

RoadOut Kickstarter Art

The world has been torn apart by a great cataclysm, and what’s left is dominated by an A.I. Rebel factions hide away in an area known as the Dead Zone, where presumably the A.I. has less reach. You take the role of mercenary called Claire, doing odd jobs to survive.

The racing parts of the game take place in the “overworld”, it looks like instead of the usual slow stroll between locations, it’s a fast-paced race that brings back memories of films like Mad Max.

Once actually at a location, RoadOut turns into a dungeon crawler, where players delve into familiar enemy and puzzle filled locations to obtain loot, complete quests and explore. You’ll likely be taking quests from one of the three factions, each with different goals and opinions of the omnipresent A.I. it sounds like there’s a reputation system as well, with warnings that a bad rep will cause issues, perhaps including being hunted by bounty hunters…

RoadOut Dungeon Crawl Section

Herein lies mystery and danger–a hundred ways to die, but a thousand ways to get rich. Fight bandits, rival gangs, and deadly robots from an ancient artificial intelligence.

Rastrolabs Kickstarter

One of the main deciders on if this ends up being a must-purchase, as has been the case recently with a couple of indies like Death Trash, or Dome Keeper, will likely be the length. If not sufficient, they’ll need a high quality experience and some decent future updates to hit the Indie goldmine.

There aren’t any visible stretch goals yet, though I’m sure Rastrolabs are testing the water and seeing if they get a bite before promising the world. That said, as of early morning 8th September they have achieved 25% of their initial $10k goal, and with 21 days to go I’d say they’re in with a chance! With what’s been shown so far, I think the gameplay premise at the very least is a winner.

The release date has currently not been announced and is TBC, but the kickstarter estimates a delivery window of August 2023, so for now I’d set expectations there or later.

Check out their Twitter, website, and Steam page for more information!

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