Take a peek at this quick guide to help you beat one of Resident Evil 2’s hardest modes.
After beating the game twice with both Leon and Claire, the player unlocks the special game mode “The 4th Survivor.” Here players take control of Hunk, the sole survivor of Alpha team, as he makes his way through Raccoon City’s sewers in order to reach extraction.
Zombies, zombies, and more zombies
The 4th Survivor starts with Umbrella’s finest mercenary fully loaded with four weapons, plenty of ammo, and equipment. Don’t let this lure you into a false sense of security however, as this will rapidly deplete if you stop to engage all the zombies (and there’s a lot). Due to this, and the fact that there are no pick-ups or saves, The 4th Survivor is a challenge fit for any Resident Evil veteran.

The key is to learn enemy placement during a practice run. This will allow you to determine which zombies require a bullet and which ones to run past. Then when you’re ready to go for it, use ammo sparingly and don’t stop to catch your breath for a second.
Try to save up those grenades too, as you’ll be needing them towards the end of the run, in order to slip past crowds and the larger enemies (yes that includes the Tyrant). This and knowing which enemies to use which weapons on is the best strategy, as primarily using the shotgun (and creating extra ammo for it) to deal with the regular zombies in your path is the best bet. The handgun and SMG should be used as a back-up, while the Desert Eagle is perfect for dealing with Lickers and the aforementioned Mr. X.

It ultimately comes down to three tries. That’s what is needed when tackling Resident Evil 2’s The 4th Survivor. Three tries to learn where the zombies pop up, where to go, where not to go, when to use grenades, and what ammo to create.
The combination of juggling finite resources with not getting hit (too much), results in Hunk reaching his much needed extraction.
Achieving all of the above not only means that Hunk also makes it out of Raccoon City alive, but the fabled “Tofu Survivor” mode is unlocked for those seeking a different challenge.
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