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Genshin Impact: Guide to Resin – Obtaining and Best Uses

Genshin Impact splash art

Resin in Genshin Impact is the resource that generates over time, and is used to complete most of the farming activities in the game. New artefacts, bosses, replaying a trounce domain… all require the sometimes frustratingly sparse resource. Here’s a guide on how to get the most Resin, and how best to use it.

Obtaining Resin


You get original 180 resin a day, but can only hold 160. This means you have to play twice a day to use all your resin, with at least 3 hours between. You could play at 8pm and 11pm for example, and be able to use all 180 resin.

Genshin Impact Resin

Big Maths (beware)

Resin is generated at a rate of 1 per every 8 min, this means 7.5 per hour or 180 per day. As the cap of how much you can hold is 160 resin, this means the cap is filled every 21.33 hours. Essentially, you have to play more than once a day to use all your daily resin, or have playtime of over 2.77 hours in a single session.

Other Resin Sources

Fragile Resin (please don’t shake or insult)

You can also get fragile resin, each of which will give you 60 original resin when used. Yay! However, there isn’t much of this to find. It’s unique and has no source you can repeatedly do. Here’s a table of where it can be found:

Table of Fragile Resin Sources

Be wary of how you use this fragile resin. I would suggest holding off until you’re at the point you want to start farming artefacts for the abyss, it shouldn’t really be needed until then. Once you have little to do other than the abyss, I’d use it when you’re feeling a bit feisty and want to run more domains than your usual resin ration allows.

Fragile Resin Genshin Impact

Transient Resin

This bad boy resin is a more recent edition to Genshin Impact, and requires progressing through the housing system. Once you get to Trust Rank 6, it’s purchasable for 1200 Realm Currency from the Realm Depot. Just make sure you use it before seven days have passed or it’s going to decay. You can however, only purchase one of these a week. I don’t use it much myself, one a week for 1200 Realm pennies seems a bit too costly, but I can see it having its uses if you’re at the stage where you’re simply trying to farm artefacts.

Best Resin Uses

How to spend this? Each leyline/domain costs 20, each boss costs 40, as does condensed resin, first 3 trounce cost 30, after that they cost 60. This means if you do a 30 resin cost when you’re trying to use all 180 resin a day, you’ll end up with 10 resin leftover that you can’t use. You can however use this remaining 10 to craft 6 x mystery ore as long as you have the magic rocks. It’s either this or wait an extra 1.33 hours.

What are the best things to use it on? In general the best way to use resin is for the resource you need to level/improve a character. Need levelling items? Hunt bosses. Need artefacts? Do some domains. Don’t do Mora or XP ley-lines unless you need to, since you can get those resources other ways. Mora especially has many other sources. The exception to this is if you’re wanting to complete the battlepass, and have missed out on some of the other BP tasks. Usually you can complete the full pass without needing to do the leylines, weekly bosses, or domains challenges, but only if you’re doing pretty much everything else daily. I will however say you’re going to need trounce domain rewards for later leveling, so it’s worth doing at least the cheaper 30 resin completes.

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Mmmmm, delicious golds….

Something to consider is weapon material/talent material domains only give what you need on certain days, I’d prioritise these over other resin costs if it’s the day you need. You could also make condensed resin and save it for the day the weapon materials/talent materials appear that you want. You only store up to 5 of these however, so just over a days worth of resin. If you’re wanting a lot of domain materials though, saving these means you could drop up to 9 condensed resin completions in a single day.


The thing with the Genshin Impact battlepass is you don’t need to SPEND the resin to actually complete it. Whenever you complete a domain, trounce domain, leyline, etc…. and don’t collect the reward. You still complete it in the BP. This means you could technically complete the BP without spending any resin. You do however get some BP tasks that require you to spend certain amounts of resin, so it’s worth doing.

The only caveat to this is you have to spend the time finishing them. You however can complete them at the lowest level, which makes the domains, trounce domains, and so on, very quick to complete. Leylines are more time consuming. They can’t be redone if the rewards aren’t collected, so you can only do 6 a day (2 per region) without collecting any rewards. The leylines are also a nice way to get materials you’d otherwise have to hunt elites down for. For example if you want hilichurl drops choose Monstadt, if you want Samurai drops choose Inazuma. Choose the region that has the enemies you need materials from, and do the 20 leylines in that area, it’s a nice timesaver especially long-term. If you however want to get the most bang for your buck and don’t care about time investment, I’d not bother with leylines unless badly needed, and run more artefact domains instead.

To summarise, my suggested priorities would be:

  • Weapon materials/talent materials when available for the characters you’re levelling
  • 3 cheaper trounce domains for character materials
  • Critical Artefacts (needed for main stats/set bonuses)/Boss Materials
  • Artefact Grind (trying to get best stats)
  • Mora/XP leylines in the region that has drops you need
  • 10 resin forging recipe, if you have 10 leftover
Anything to add? Any questions? How do you use your resin? Let us know in the comments below!

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