It’s a new year and a new decade, so what better way to start it than by looking back at some of the best games that were released during the 2010s?
In the following article we will be showcasing our game of the year (2019), game of the ‘generation’ (PS4, Xbox One), and our games of the decade.

James Wilson
Game of the year (2019)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. An ambitious gamble from the folks who brought us the Souls series, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has a more focused, linear story, making use of slick combat and brutally unforgiving enemies.

You play as Sekiro, known as “Wolf” (not the White Wolf, he’s below), as he traverses the lands of Ashina in search of his young master. Worth a play if you’re into From games.
Sorry Crash Team Racing, I love you and you were fun to platinum but I played you on PS1 and gave my game of the year 2017 to the N. Sane Trilogy, still a close second though.
Game of the generation (PS4)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Definitely toss a coin CD Projekt Red’s way, becuase if you haven’t played The Witcher 3 yet, you need to. A direct continuation of the story of famed Witcher Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher 3 expains most of the story to the player before you have to go out and chart your own destiny, and slay a few monsters.

My personal ‘game of the generation’, The Witcher 3 scratched an itch that I didn’t even know I had, and after playing through this amazing RPG back in 2015 I can safely say that the itch has returned. Watch the show too, it’s good.
Game of the decade
Dark Souls. Released near the start of the decade in 2011, Dark Souls revolutionised the RPG genre, forming its own sub-genre (Souls-like), and becoming the new standard for hack and slash titles.

FromSoftware’s follow-up from the cult hit Demon’s Souls on PS3, Dark Souls took what made the game great and opened it up to a larger audience, creating one of the most dedicated fan bases of any game to date. Even Jim Sterling agrees with me… kind of.
Joseph McHale
Game of the year (2019)
Devil May Cry 5. Perhaps not what most would expect as game of the year, but I only recently picked up this gem and it’s the most fun I’ve had since the year began. It’s not convoluted (unless you’re meaning the sheer number of combos to learn), it’s just pure adrenaline fuelled fun. There’s a lot to learn, and a lot to master, but that’s what lets me love it so much. I constantly have a sense of achievement playing this game, and managing slick, devastating combos is addicting as hell to boot.

Game of the generation (PS4)
The Souls series has always been one of my absolute favourites, ever since my first play-through of the UK import of Demon Souls. Back when it was a sleeper hit. Each tried to improve on the last, but the greatest jump, for me, was Bloodborne. Truly an evolution from the slow, methodical combat of Dark Souls, Bloodborne relishes in fast-paced action, countering and dodging, always teetering on death.
I have yet to finish the DLC, but am looking forward to more of the perfectly balanced slaughterfest, just the right blend of difficulty and fun. Read our review here!
Game of the decade
This has been a decade of huge growth for gaming, be it how well we can tell stories that captivate and amaze, or the sheer impact it now has on our society. Esports, before a slim glimmer of a realisation – now commands vast popularity. Although split over many, many games, you can bet any genre has at least one title that has garnered a respected competitive scene.
Gaming is more alive than ever, more innovative than ever, and harder to choose a leader for than ever. We have so many hits, Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, Dishonoured. Games like League of Legends have kick started entirely new professions. It’s an impossible decision to make, but if I were to choose the game that affected me the most, and hasn’t quite been beaten yet, it’d have to be The Last of Us.

The Last of Us taught me what a game can be. It taught me how enthralling and emotional a story can run, and when it comes together with a perfect soundtrack and realistically tactile gameplay, how incredible an experience it truly can be.
Many came close for numerous reasons, and the games in the Souls series almost beat it, but The Last of Us just squeezes past as my decade defining title.
What were your games of the decade? Let us know in the comments or over on Facebook & Twitter!
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