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Gamelists are here for PS5 – But they still need work

Gamelists Games Floating

Wishlists, gamelists, organisation of some sort has been one of the most requested features of the PS5 for a long time. Players want some way to organise their games, as opposed to the current system which is a simple row of games, in no specific order, without any real ability to customise the way their displayed.

This is a mistake on PlayStation’s part, for sure. We gamers are on the whole a bit of a stickler for pretty organisation, have they not seen all the posts on Instagram and Reddit of neatly organised gaming nooks? We want that. But on the PS5.

PlayStation have recently released at least somewhat of a step in the right direction with the introduction of Gamelists, which let a you put the games in your collection into organised folders that are kept in the game library, both installed and uninstalled. This has been perfect for me, and I admit I was a little too happy about finding out I could do this. Immediately I went through my whole library and organised it into “Favourites”, “To-Play”, “Games that developers should be ashamed of”, all the usual folders.

You have to scroll all the way to game library, and get into “Your Collection”, to find the new system.

Then you go back to the home screen, and realise that these folders don’t display until you find them in the depths of the game library. It’s like going into your gaming nook and having to dig out a box to find your favourites instead of having them on display.

You also can’t organise the list, I can’t have the Resident Evil series all neatly next to each other, and it’s frustrating to my want-to-make-things-pretty self. I suspect you could get around it by adding them in a specific order, but then when there’s a new one in the series, I have to go back and redo the whole folder again? Nah, I’ll pass.

You can’t even pick a thumbnail to customise the folder with, I want Dark Souls up there front and center Sony, not some random game I first threw in the 200 long list of “To-Play”.

A minor annoyance I also had was you can’t add games directly from the PS Plus catalogue to a Gamelist. You have to very tediously start downloading the game first, and then add it the Gamelist. Then cancel the download, if you don’t have space to currently play it.

You have to download a PS Plus catalogue game, before you can add it to a Gamelist.

I’m still glad they’ve implemented Gamelists on the PS5, I just think there’s a lot they can still improve and don’t see major reasons for why these features aren’t being patched in or communicated. The only thing I can think of that would stop these changes happening, is a future plan, the worst I can think of are horrific ideas like ads in the home screen. By keeping a home screen relatively clear they could theoretically increase the time a user spends looking at an add – increasing revenue. Hopefully it’s not something as spine-tingling, and is as simple as it not being a high enough priority, they’ll get around to it. Fingers crossed.

Just give us a nice, customisable home screen. With wallpapers and music we can change while you’re at it, like we could on PS4. We all just want something pretty to look at and listen to while we endlessly scroll between games instead of playing one.

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1 Comment

  • James says:

    Haven’t messed with this feature yet but might wait… I know you can ‘save’ games to the home screen but I do wish we had customisable backgrounds like on PS3/PS4.

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