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5 Red Dead Redemption 2 tips for new players

Red Dead Redemption 2

The American Frontier can be a vast and dangerous place to be for the untrained outlaw, however with these handy tips even the greenest of greenhorns can become a legend of the Wild West.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Upgrade your base camp

After completing the story mission ‘Money Lending and Other Sins’, Arthur Morgan is able to upgrade the camp. This unlocks incredibly useful upgrades for a hefty fee. These range from basic food and medicine upgrades to the time-saving fast travel map, gained by upgrading Arthur’s tent for $325.

Bonus tip: If you’d like to save some money however, then the scenic approach works well but takes a little longer. To do this place an objective marker whilst riding your horse and activate the cinematic camera (on a main road).

Look after yourself

Healing items are essential for survival, not just for yourself, but also for your horse. Food restores health, liquor restores stamina, and tobacco restores dead eye. Cooking meat obatined after a hunt at a camp fire is another good way to replenish vigor.

Your horse works in a similar way, it needs treats such as carrots to stay healthy, and also needs to be brushed regularly to avoid becoming dirty. It is also reccomended not to push your horse to the limit by over using the sprint button, as this will cause it to collapse.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Look after your pelts

When hunting, using eagle eye vision (L3 & R3) to track animals, the lasso or varmint rifle is the best option. Shooting animals with other weaponry will cause the quality of their pelt to decrease, as well as the meat, reducing the value. It is recommended to scout larger creatures first with the binoculars, get in close, and then use the lasso to keep pelts pristine.

Loot better

Eagle eye can also be used to locate lootable items, super handy for when a quick getaway is needed. Holding the square or X button can also help to speed up the process instead of just manually selecting everything. 

Quickdraw at any time

Feel a situation quickly going south? By lightly holding R2 (right trigger) you can draw your weapon and instantly go into dead eye mode. This is shown during duals, however, can be used at any time to get the upper-hand on an unsuspecting opponent.

Bonus tip: Draw your gun and press up on the D-pad to shoot your revolver in the air to stop a fleeing target, or scare off predators.

What are your thoughts on Red Dead Redemption so far? Do you know any other helpful tips? Let us know in the comments or over on Facebook & Twitter!

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